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Fun Ways to Include Your Wedding Guests

How to involve your Guests on your Wedding Day?

So obviously any kind of a wedding with guests, involves the guests (we're talking post iso weddings guys, take it easy!). The very idea of asking family and friends to come and witness your marriage and then to celebrate with you afterwards, involves them.

But we're wondering about fun ways to get your guests more involved and to possibly give you some great lasting traditions. 

1. Throwing good wishes

Showering the newlyweds with rice after the ceremony is a fun tradition. This tradition has endured with a slight evolution.

The jury is still out on whether or not rice is bad for the birds but it can be a nightmare to clean up after rain! So if you'd rather not chance it, rice can easily become confetti, flower petals or bubbles. 

Rice was chosen originally because it symbolised growth and prosperity. It was considered as a wish for a new couple to have a prosperous and fruitful (yes, babies!) union. and are still seen at many modern weddings.

A modern guest list probably won't be thinking specifically thinking about babies when they throw confetti, rose petals or bubbles. But it is a way to physically celebrate something beautiful and exciting.

If you want a no mess option, sparklers, streamers or bells that the guests hold onto and wave in the air are a fun, mess free alternative. 

Note: If you're going with confetti, make sure you have a google and find some eco friendly stuff guys!

Bouquet, bride, wedding flowers

2. Throwing Superstition

The bouquet/ garter toss are two fun traditions that will involve your guests. Although none of us place much store on these traditions as predictors of who will get hitched next, it's still a fun nod to tradition and a crowd pleaser.  

3. Fun with Photos

We talked last week about including your guests with the wedding photography. Not really a tradition, but a sure bet for getting people involved with the fun is different photo options. A wedding hashtag for social media, a photo booth, selfie station or go retro with polaroid or disposable cameras. All crowd favourites!

DIY Photo Booth, Photo Frame, Wedding, fun

4. Old Fashioned

The reading of telegrams from family or friends that couldn't make the event has become a little outdated. But it is a fun tradition nonetheless. You could still incorporate something like this into your celebration by asking people who can't make the big event to record a video message, or even skype in for a speech! 

Another fun take on this, is to have guests write out advice cards and hand them to the MC. Your MC can read them over the course of your reception to keep things light and fun.

Got any other thoughts about how to involve both tradition and your guests in your big day? Get in touch, we'd love to hear them!