
Brides, Emergency Supplies, Wedding Blog, Wedding Day, Wedding Planning

Wedding Eve Packing

Your Wedding is tomorrow, what do you Pack?

Wedding Eve Packing

After months (sometimes years!) of planning, expectation and excitement, it's here! The night before your wedding (or as we like to call it, Wedding Eve!) isn't often thought about a whole lot. You have probably discussed if you and your significant other will be staying at the same place, organised a wedding rehearsal and possibly a dinner. But beyond that? You're goal is probably to get to bed at a decent time without losing it at your Mother in Law! But packing your wedding ready bag is quite important and definitely deserves a few minutes of your time.

wedding day, wedding eve, wedding hair, getting ready, wedding morning

It's a good idea to have some bits and pieces organised whether you will be traveling to get ready, or getting ready where you'll be leaving from to get married. There are still some essentials that you will need and it's much easier not to have to go looking.

For the bride

  • A change of underwear - No, we don't think you're going to have an accident. It's good to have a few pairs so that you aren't getting ready in the same underwear you'll be wearing on your wedding night... you know what we mean?
  • Button up shirt/ Zip up jumper - you need to wear something that won't ruin your beautifully done hair and makeup when you remove it!
  • Hollywood tape (or double sided tape, does the same, costs less!).
  • Extra pair of hosiery (if your choosing to wear) - nothing worse than a finger through your stockings at the last minute!
  • Flats - be they ballet flats or thongs, lots of brides want to get out of their heals at some point in the night. 
  • 2nd copy of vows - for oops moments, a clumsy Mother in Law who knocks a drink flying... you get the idea.
  • Tooth brush and tooth paste
  • Sunnies - it's a day out, probably in the sun for hours taking photos. It might be nice to reduce the glare!

For the Groom

  • Extra buttons
  • 2nd set of dress socks
  • Extra set of cuff links
  • Extra shoelaces
  • Razor
  • Shoe polish
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Extra copy of vows
  • Hair styling product and comb etc
Getting ready, dress watch, dress socks, groom

Good luck with your Wedding Eve packing, and for a bit more on Wedding Day emergency supplies, check out our Wedding Day Survival Kit blogpost!