Stress Free Wedding Planning
Planning a wedding can be stressful. It is such an exciting time for you and your partner, but it can also be very overwhelming. If you find yourself hyperventilating because a bridesmaid insists on a certain kind of dress, or your mother in law is being high maintenance about the bonbonnieres it may be time to take a few minutes out to deal with your stress levels! We've put together a few thoughts about dealing with the stress of wedding planning.
1. Get Present
Mindfulness is a proven method of increasing focus, regulating your emotions and dealing with stress (to name just a few!). It can be as simple as consciously taking 10 slow, deep breaths. There are a number of great meditation and mindfulness aps out there. Or you can always have a google, you may be surprised what classes are being run in your area.
Not one for meditation? Perhaps you could incorporate a yoga class into your pre-wedding fitness regime? A walk with some calming music or some mindful colouring in? It all counts. However you like to relax and get in touch with yourself, now's the time to get some serious relaxation practice going.
Stay tuned for more on mindfulness for dealing with stress and wedding planning!
2. Outsource
Many people who are planning a wedding feel like losing control of one thing, may mean the entire wedding will spiral out of control. But here's the thing: people love to be useful! It makes them feel good to help. Your bridal party is there to help, not just to do an epic bucks/ hens night! But more than that, giving friends or family small jobs, makes them feel included and invested in your wedding. It also takes some of the burden off of you. At the very least, make sure that you are asking your significant other for their input and help. It is, after-all, both of your wedding!
Let go of that inner control freak! She (or he!) needs a break now and again!
Yes, involve your significant other in the planning, but also take some time out to just enjoy your engagement. Set a date night! It doesn't have to be expensive, have a picnic at the lake, go for a hike, watch the sunset.
Then, between the two of you prioritise the things that really matter to you (both individually and as a couple). Ie - the ceremony venue, the photographs, the reception venue and what you're both wearing. These are the essentials of the day, the rest is just window dressing. Possibly very beautiful window dressing, but at the end of the day... will it matter? If the answer is... kind of?... perhaps it's not worth getting too stressed over?
The bonus of this approach is that you suddenly have a list of "to dos"that aren't that important to you in the greater scheme of things. Pick a few of the lowest priority ones and give your interfering mother in law a few jobs. Suddenly, she feels important and part of the process but isn't bothering you with continued ideas and suggestions!
5. Try to have fun
This is such a busy, stressful and overwhelming season. But you know what else it is? Exciting! Have fun with your best friends picking though dress shops and pouring over colour charts. Put the boys to work in the invitation construction and wedding favour wrapping. Get to know your future in-laws.... maybe? But most of all, have fun! This time will fly by, so take some time to appreciate all the people who love you and want to be part of your special day. And of course, enjoy that special person and the idea of your happily ever after together!